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How to setup Nitro_Repo

Pre Install Tasks

  1. Install MySQL. For more information click here.
  2. Create a database. For nitro_repo to use

Getting your build

Please use one of the following options for your build

  1. Latest Release on Github
  2. Latest Build on Github
  3. Build yourself. Instructions are here


  1. Decompress the build inside your install directory. I use /opt/nitro_repo. Using the command tar -xf nitro_repo.tar.gz Note: You might have to decompress the zip for Github Latest Builds
  2. Run ./nitro_repo --install Follow the CLI for installation.
  3. After completing the installation go ahead and run ./nitro_repo again. To ensure proper setup. Connect to it over the browser. Using your host and port set
  4. Edit other/nitro_repo.service to use the appropriate location of your installation. Then copy the nitro_repo.service to the service directory Command: cp other/nitro_repo.service /etc/systemd/system/nitro_repo.service
  5. Run systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl start nitro_repo.service


After installation you can add SSL

Edit cfg/nitro_repo.toml

Under the application section



Make sure to specify values

For Lets Encrypt


Finally Restart Nitro Repo

Last updated: